4-week weightlifting for Crossfit specialty class (9- 30 Jan)

What are the dates & time?

9 Jan, 16 Jan, 23 Jan, 30 Jan. Time: 1130am- 1pm

What do i get out of this specialty class?

Good practice makes for perfect! During the 4-week cycle, we aim to equip you with the tools and understanding to continue your pursuit for weightlifting, and how to apply it in a mixed-modal context.

Week 1 (9 Jan), 2 (16 Jan): snatch and clean + jerk fundamentals

Week 3 (23 Jan): barbell cycling

Week 4 (30 Jan): barbell cycling + fatigued lifting and considerations for programming

Who is this suitable for

Led by Keith, it is a class that focuses on weightlifting in CrossFit context.

What benefit do i get out of attending this program?

The goal is to equip you with tools to practice weightlifting on your own based on the fundamental principles.

What happens at the end of the 4-week cycle?

You can sign up for Performance class to get the most out of a program that caters for development of skills needed in CrossFit or continue to practice it on your own.

What if i cant make it for one of the sessions?

We strongly recommend that you come for all sessions. There is no makeup class and the following cycle will be a gymnastics cycle in order to prep for the CrossFit Opens.

What is the duration of each session?

1.5 hours per session over 4 week period. 1130am- 1pm every Sunday 9 Jan- 30 Jan.

What’s the cost?

$200 for guests, and $120 for current members. Slot is confirmed upon receipt of payment via Paynow to UEN201921254E or Bank transfer to UOB 355-324-420-8.

What should I prepare?

Apart from a open-to-learning attitude: hydration, a towel, comfortable clothes, and proper shoes.